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Just Think Twice

DEA’s website for teens,, provides credible information about the harmful effects of drug use. The site includes information about various drugs, including facts and fiction about drugs, the consequences of drug use, as well as topics about addiction, impaired driving, and true stories about teens that have had drug problems.

The site provides descriptions of specific drugs, such as marijuana, Spice/K2, bath salts, and heroin, as well as the drugs’ street names, effect on the mind and body, overdose effects, legal status, and origin.

Mind Matters邀请青少年参加科学之旅,了解大脑对特定药物的复杂反应,包括可卡因、吸入剂、K2/香料和浴盐、大麻、甲基苯丙胺、尼古丁、阿片类药物和处方兴奋剂。

修订日期:2019 年 12 月 |  作者:美国国家药物滥用研究所

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