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Find Out More About Safe Stations & How They Can Help You!

The Chattanooga Fire Department and the Hamilton County Coalition’s Nu-Start program have partnered to launch the “Safe Stations” initiative in Chattanooga. “Safe Stations” make all fire stations within Chattanooga 24-hour havens, where anyone struggling with opioid addiction can be connected to treatment and recovery options.

At any time during the day or night when the victim of addiction decides or gathers up the courage to ask for help, he or she can go to any Safe Station and speak to the firefighters on duty. 

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The firefighters will arrange for or provide a medical assessment — not to exceed their scope of training. If there is cause for concern that there is something else medically or psychiatrically wrong with the patient, transportation to an appropriate level medical facility will be arranged for and provided by the station. If there is not a medical or psychiatric concern, the individual will either be picked up by a Nu-Start team member or transported to a respite facility until proper care arrives

Find A Safe Station Near You by Map Location!

Find A Safe Station Near You by Street Address!

(Station 1)  218 E. Main Street - Downtown

(Station 3)  5 Francis Street - Lookout Valley

(Station 4)  2181 Curtis Street - East Chattanooga

(Station 5)  809 S. Willow Street - Highland Park

(Station 6)  4510 Bonny Oaks Drive - Bonny Oaks

(Station 7)  6911 Discovery Drive - Enterprise South


(Station 8)  2103 Hickory Valley Road - Tyner

(Station 9)  3250 8th Avenue - East Lake

(Station 10)  910 Wisdom Street - Amnicola

(Station 11)  6418 Hixson Pike - Hixson

(Station 12)  900 Forrest Avenue - North Chattanooga

(Station 13)  5201 Brainerd Road - Brainerd


(Station 14)  1009 W 39th Street - Alton Park

(Station 15)   912 Shallowford Road - Shallowford

(Station 16)  1033 Lupton Drive - Rivermont

(Station 17)  628 Signal Mountain Road - Mountain Creek

(Station 19)  5000 Brunswick Lane - Hixson

(Station 20)  3003 Cummings Hwy - Lookout Valley


(Station 21)  7700 E Brainerd Road - East Brainerd

(Station 22)  6144 Dayton Boulevard - Dayton Boulevard

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"Facilitating community change through comprehensive strategies, capacity building, collaboration & neighborhood Problem Solving....Crime prevention, community policing through alcohol, tobacco & prescription medication misuse prevention, training, intervention and recovery services.
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This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

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2010 - 2025 (C) Hamilton Count Coalition - Designed and Managed by Weboniqs_Creative

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